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Common Abbreviations for Audiology

Common Abbreviations for Audiology

ABG air bone gap

ABR auditory brainstem evoked response

AC air conduction

Ad or AD right ear

As or AS left ear

AR aural rehabilitation

ART acoustic reflex threshold

AU or Au both ears

Audio audiology and/or impedance evaluation

BC bone conduction

BTE behind the ear (hearing aid)

C counseled

CAD coronary artery disease

CHF chronic heart failure

CIC completely in the canal (hearing aid)

dB decibels

DM diabetes myllitus

Dx diagnosed

EM or E/M earmold

ENG electronystagmography

HA or H/A hearing aid

HAC hearing aid check

HAE hearing aid evaluation

HAF hearing aid fitting

HAFU hearing aid follow-up

HAO hearing aid orientation

HAP hearing aid problem

HAI hearing aid issue

HL hearing level

HS half shell (hearing aid)

HTN hypertension

Hx history

Hz hertz

ITC in the canal (hearing aid)

ITE in the ear (hearing aid)

NBN narrow band noise

PRN patient return as necessary

Pt patient

PTT puretone threshold(s)

Reck re-check visit

REM real ear measurement

Rx prescription or medication

SC or SCH service connected or service connected for hearing

SD or SDS speech discrimination score

SF soundfield

SHL sensory hearing loss

SL sensation level

SN speech noise

S/N HL sensory neural hearing loss

SPL or SSPL sound pressure level

Sx surgery

Tx treatment

Tymp tympanometry (middle ear test)

w/ with

WN white noise

WNL within normal limits

Audiology Abbriations


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